Monday 9 December 2013


Hey everyone, Today im going to talk about an older game that has been around for 1-2 years now. That game is skyrim. Skyrim is a rpg/adventure game where all you do is kill things do quests and level up.

                                                     Why is there a bear on the path?

 To be hosest there is to many games like that out there right now and every one does the same thing but for a different prize. One thing i do like about Skyrim is the graphics. Other then that i find the game just like every other.

Nice river, is the bear close by?
Well thats all I can say about skyrim, until next time see (well hope to see your veiws) you all next time.

Monday 2 December 2013

PS4 vs Xbox 1

There is a bunch of talk about what console os better but to be honest they are both great.  People are taking this way to far on this argument.

waaaaaayyyyy to far.....

To be honest im and xbox fan but i think the PS4 did a good job and beat us this time. (exect for the grafics, and games, and everything else) Tell me what you think is better in the comments before.(Give facts) See you all next time.
                                                                   Like a boss.



Monday 18 November 2013


Ahh..minecraft what can I say. Well minecraft is a block game where you can basicly do whatever you want. If you like to make huge master pieces or just kill everything in site minecraft is one game you can. To be honest im more on the kill everything side but i still like to build some minigames for me and my freinds to play.

yup... thats me...
So anyway, there are many different hostile mobs in minecraft that want to murder you. Some of the strongest mobs are the wither, enderdragon, and some other bosses you need to use mods to get. The most dangerios one without mods is HEROBRINE. Every update to the game they say they removed Herobrine, but did they really. Herobrine looks just like Steve (defult skin) but with white eyes. There is no beating Herobrine, he does whatever he wants and can kill you in one hit. So if you see Herobrine dont run just log off and take a break and maybe he will leave... for a bit.


Well thats all the time I have for this post. Ill leave you off with this amazing build in minecraft.


Tuesday 5 November 2013

League Of Legends

Hey every one, I know i haven't posted lately. I have been caught up in a game called League Of  Legends. Its a team based game on killing the enemy tower. There is five people on a team and two teams in a game. There are 114 (I believe) different champions you can choice from to play with. Of course you have to buy them if you want to use them.

                                             This is all of them except 1-2 they just added.

One of the biggest problems the team have is "communication". Without it your a sitting duck ready to be killed. If you do talk and help each other its alot harder for the other team to do damage. One big thing, if you die because of your team don't yell and curse at them or they will keep letting you die.

                                              (sorry image wouldn't work)

Now to talk about me....... why did everyone leave. :(  Nah just kidding but seriously I have been playing alot and I use Darius in top lane. If you play LOL and are looking for someone to play with add me (ImTurner16) . We can be together forever :) ... why is everyone leaving again.

                                                                    The one and only.

well everyone that's it for this week i'm now going to play LOL because its a good... great game. see you all next week. And Thank You to everyone that voted... one person.

Monday 21 October 2013


hey everyone today im going to talk about GTA 5. first off i would like to talk about some of the cars. i remember in other games it took a good ten minutes to find a nice car, now u walk on the street you can find three right in front of you. i dont know if thats a good thing or bad yet.

                                                         Now i wish they would add this.

The next thing on my list is the houses you can buy. The aptartments you can buy are to expensive when the jobs only give you $2000. Any good aptartment would cost around $200,000. It takes about two days of non-stop gami ng to get one and when you do buy it your freinds will take it over.

                                                                    See what i mean.

The last thing i would like to say would be about the cops. If you have ever played the game you would already know that cops are CHEATERS! Ummm..... yea, anyway no matter what car you have they can catch up and ram you into a ditch like its nothing. I have driven one of there cars many times and there is no way they should be going that fast. Plus you could walk across the street, get hit by a cop, then you get 2 stars for walking.

                                                                 ... i just said that
Don't get me wrong GTA5 is a great game and i love to play it but this some things that get annoying in the game. Well any way that all for this week i hoped you enjoyed this post and i hope you come back next week.


Wednesday 16 October 2013

Start of a gaming blog

Well i might as well jump into this, i doing a blog on gaming becuase its on this i enjoy to do (and only thing im good at). One of the main systems i use to play games on is the x-box 360. I was thinking about getting a PS3 but i found the servers were down to often.
So ill try to review a new game or system every week and i hope you enjoy this blog.